Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"space" age

Get up and go talk to someone. It's called human interaction, and it's a beautiful, beautiful thing.
- Simon Sinek

We're all aware of how fast technology has been growing and how available they are now to people. I remember when I was a kid back in the 80's, I'd go out in the street and play with my friends all afternoon till I drop due to exhaustion. Toys of our choice: rocks, sticks, slippers, plastic containers, all sorts of junk. And it was just as fun as having expensive toys, because kids back then usually don't pay attention to the price of their stuff. Kids these days are different; they're pinned to their computer and gadgets playing games with virtual or remote playmates from dawn till dusk. So now I don't define 'space age' as how modern our gadgets are; it's how much space we put between us and other human beings, and 'alien technology' is how we actually 'alienate' ourselves from others. It's alarming!

Even so, I sincerely doubt that with their genius minds they'd be able to create any touch technology as effective as the human touch.

"If he hits you once..."
Unfortunately, not all human interaction is pretty.

I was alarmed and saddened by what my friend told me the other night. Her husband verbally abuses her, humiliates her in public, and hurts her physically. Frankly, I never expected her to be a victim of domestic violence. I've known her in our high school years. We were in the same "clique" and I always looked to her as this strong woman personality, an alpha female. So I was really shocked by her revelation. I told her she should kick her good-for-nothing husband out of the house for good, and end her otherwise eternal suffering. She said she can't; she doesn't want a broken home for her kids.

That was a depressing realization: my friend decided to accept her fate and I can't do anything about it except pray that things will turn out for the better, or wait until her husband finally kills her.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


One of the things on my bucketlist (a.k.a. stuff I want to do before I die) is to write and publish a book. I've been composing the storyline and characters in my head since my college days, which was almost twelve years ago. The problem is I don't have a friggin' clue on how to write a novel. Sure, I can write blogs and stuff, but writing a novel is a totally different ballgame. There's research to be made, copyrights to consider, and most of all the coherency skill that I sincerely believe I don't have.

Since I'm a paranormal addict, I wanted my novel to be sci-fi-themed. I want aliens and superpowers and mysteries of the universe, and a hint of mythology, in my book. Now you probably understand how important the coherency skill is in order to pull this thing off.

R&R (Reading and Research)
What I hate the most is reading. I'm not fond of it. I rarely finish reading books, regardless of what they are about. It's just not my thing. *sigh* But I realize that if I had to write my own book, I should at least know or be familiar with how seasoned writers write their own book. And how can I do that? By reading their books! And there's a eureka moment...another five years to go before I can actually start writing chapter 1.

I'm sincerely considering the help of an editor or a writer-friend on this matter because I'm really serious about this and I really want this to happen. I can already imagine how awesome my novel would be. I shared some of the concepts and characters to my close friends and they loved it! One of them even suggested that I should make a mind map so I won't forget the novel stuff I've already created in my head, like characters and plot. And I WILL make a mind map. Next weekend.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

five years

After five long years, I've finally decided to revive this blog! While I was NOT blogging here, I was busy yapping on Facebook and Twitter - yep, I've finally decided to jump in the whole social networking bandwagon. I don't know, maybe I'm one of those people who have attention-deficient disorders.

So! Reviewing my past few posts, I am proud to say that I actually made some of my plans happen. First, I established an online store, yay! But it's only on Facebook since I really don't have a lot of time creating an online store from HTML scratch. However, I did earn some extra income out of it and it's pretty great. Been online selling since late 2010.

Second, I finally mustered enough courage to get some dental braces. And I'm telling you, it hurt like HELL. It was torture for the first two months. But now, I finally got the hang of it. And yeah, I am prettier.

So far, so good, so boring(?). I feel old, haha. No progress for the past four years, career-wise. But still grateful.

My extra-curricular activities have increased due to insistent authoritative requests. Been assigned as coach for the recent year-end party's production number (I'm like the female Will Schuester of Glee). Needless to say, the number turned out great. And best of all, I met a lot of new friends, two of which are like brothers to me now.

I'm also into running/jogging and badminton. Gotta maintain that shape. For a 30+ year-old mom, I don't look so bad. I've 26-inch waistline. And I still get student discount on bus fares, haha (hey, the conductors gave it freely. I didn't ask for it.).

Problems, problems, problems
Ah yes, I've recently been depressed due to a lot of problems. But knowing myself, I've always bounced back from these nagging demons.

I've also recently lost a couple of good friends. Not by death or separation, but by choice. It sucks and I miss them...but maybe this is for the best.

My new year's resolution: love myself more. Stop being a people-pleaser. Be prettier, bolder, smarter, and more focused. To not sacrifice virtue for normalcy. And to always remind myself that I am needed.