Sunday, April 7, 2013


One of the things on my bucketlist (a.k.a. stuff I want to do before I die) is to write and publish a book. I've been composing the storyline and characters in my head since my college days, which was almost twelve years ago. The problem is I don't have a friggin' clue on how to write a novel. Sure, I can write blogs and stuff, but writing a novel is a totally different ballgame. There's research to be made, copyrights to consider, and most of all the coherency skill that I sincerely believe I don't have.

Since I'm a paranormal addict, I wanted my novel to be sci-fi-themed. I want aliens and superpowers and mysteries of the universe, and a hint of mythology, in my book. Now you probably understand how important the coherency skill is in order to pull this thing off.

R&R (Reading and Research)
What I hate the most is reading. I'm not fond of it. I rarely finish reading books, regardless of what they are about. It's just not my thing. *sigh* But I realize that if I had to write my own book, I should at least know or be familiar with how seasoned writers write their own book. And how can I do that? By reading their books! And there's a eureka moment...another five years to go before I can actually start writing chapter 1.

I'm sincerely considering the help of an editor or a writer-friend on this matter because I'm really serious about this and I really want this to happen. I can already imagine how awesome my novel would be. I shared some of the concepts and characters to my close friends and they loved it! One of them even suggested that I should make a mind map so I won't forget the novel stuff I've already created in my head, like characters and plot. And I WILL make a mind map. Next weekend.

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